Kumisión i Fino’ CHamoru yan i Fina’nå’guen
i Historia yan i Lina’la’ i Taotao Tåno’
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Sagan Inilao Put Hinayi Yan Rikuetdon CHamoru

Genealogy Research Lab and Resources

Knowing our family history is essential to our cultural identity as the First People of Guåhan. Our ancestral legacy is key to understanding our system of kinship, reciprocity, and obligation which informs CHamoru values and traditions. During these uncertain times when people feel isolated and alienated, the sense of belonging that comes from knowing your roots contributes to community wellbeing.

Our Genealogy Research Lab provides a community space for accessing critical resources including the Kumisión’s genealogical database and Family Tree Software. It also serves as a networking hub for those interested in conducting family history research. Guest users will be able to schedule appointments to visit the lab, build their family trees, and utilize available resources with the assistance of Kumisión staff.

CHamoru family historians and local genealogy buffs have contributed their life-long research data to augment the foundation of our database acquired from Mr. Bernard Punzalan of CHamoru Roots. We look forward to growing our platform with rich resources from the community. To this end, we welcome the contributions of families who have already conducted genealogical research and have compiled their work in books, reunion pamphlets, or digital databases. Those interested in documenting their family history will find our collection as a great starting place for their journey.


for Genealogy Lab, Database and Archival Resources

Assigned Staff, Guest User, and Genealogy Associate Roles

  1. Staff Roles: Will assist guest users with access, input and edit database information, print records requested, and upload photographs and other multimedia contributions.
    1. Francisco Santos and Lucia Calvo will coordinate the database, and technical operations, supervise data entry, integrate donated records, and maintain equipment, data backups, and security.
    2. Savannah Concepcion and Piatra Tuncap will control and assign user accounts, coordinate scheduling for users; facilitate network, create and file forms, and provide assistance with data entry on the Family Tree Program.
    3. Lucia Calvo, Elerida Cruz, and Peter Constantino will coordinate acquisitions of family resources, conduct family clan research, and provide assistance with data entry on the Family Tree Program.
  2. Guest User Roles: Will have guided staff access to viewing the database, using available print and electronic resources, creating personal family trees in the Family Tree Program, and making contributions and suggestions for additions and changes to the database.
  3. Genealogy Associate Roles: Will share their expertise with Kumisión staff and assist with data collection and verification.

Lab Hours of Operation

Monday and Wednesday 9 am – 12 pm

Tuesday 1 – 4 pm

Use of Lab/Archive Resources

Preferably by appointment using the scheduling feature through the Kumisión website.

Walk-ins are accepted upon availability of staff during hours of operation only.

Process Flow Chart

Guest User

Registration Form

    Full Name

    Including Middle Names, Mother’s Maiden Name and Father’s Surname. Please print.

    Email Address

    Mailing Address


    Guest User Agreement

    Below are our detailed terms and conditions that you must read and accept before becoming a Guest User of the Sagan Inilao Put Hinayi yan Rikuetdon CHamoru resources. These Terms and Conditions apply to all individuals registering as users for access to the Database, digital tools, and other resources.

    The following Terms and Conditions are binding and set forth the access protocol of information contained in the Database and Archives. Your rights and responsibilities as a Guest User are delineated below. By registering as a Guest User your information will become part of the official record of the Kumisión. You may access your user information and update it as needed.

    Your Use of the Database and Archives

    The Genealogy Database (Fanhinayi’an) and Kumisión Archives (Rinikohen Rikuetdo) are provided as a community resource for researching CHamoru family history. A member of the Kumisión staff will be present to assist during your visit. Some information contained in the Database may be restricted to protect against identity theft. The Kumisión will attempt to ensure that all content in the Database is accurate. However, entries may reflect inconsistencies. Any clarifying information you have to correct these inconsistencies will be greatly appreciated. A member of the Kumisión staff will be present during your visit to assist you in accessing information and providing suggestions.

    You may access the Database and use the content only for personal family history research. Please be prepared to take notes of the information you want to capture from the Database. Downloads are not allowed. You may take screenshots or request photocopies of specific sections that pertain only to your personal family history. Printing charges may apply.

    The sale of material obtained from the Database is strictly prohibited without written permission from its source. This policy honors the generosity of families who have contributed their research to populate this Database.

    Using the Database, you agree to comply with all applicable laws and refrain from infringing any third-party rights or interests (for example, privacy and intellectual property rights). You must also agree that you will not knowingly or willfully submit inaccurate, defamatory, or offensive content to the Database.

    User-Provided Content

    The Kumisión is not liable for inaccuracies and information provided by Guest Users and Family History Donors.

    Submitting user-provided content for the Database grants the Kumisión access to such information for community use.

    Guest User

    Kumisión Representative

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