Kumisión i Fino’ CHamoru yan i Fina’nå’guen
i Historia yan i Lina’la’ i Taotao Tåno’
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Materiǻt Ineyak Siha
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Annual Reports

Na’kahåya i Fino’
i Mañaina-ta
The Kumisión is engaged in efforts to revitalize and raise consciousness about the CHamoru language.

A revised, user-friendly CHamoru Orthography available now!

Standardizing the spelling and writing of CHamoru is essential for building proficiency and fluency; and for teaching CHamoru as a second language in the classroom. The Kumisión updated the 1983 CHamoru Orthography and presented…

What will the future of our
island and people be?
GÉFATAN Learn More
Be proud of your heritage. FATTA Learn More Celebrate Our Mother Tongue. ONRA I HILA' NÅNA Know the Orthography. TUNGO' LEARN MORE Learn CHamoru. EYAK READ MORE Research your family history. ILAO READ MORE Read CHamoru literature. TAITAI READ MORE Speak CHamoru! FANFINO' CHAMORU READ MORE Support the mission! SÅGUE READ MORE Celebrate! SILEBRA READ MORE

I Kinalamten Para i Direchon i Taotao Tåno’

The Quest for CHamoru Self-Determination

For centuries, the CHamoru people have fought to preserve their identity, culture, and right to determine their own political future. I Kinalamten Para i Taotao Tåno’ traces this history, highlighting the resilience and determination of CHamoru leaders, activists, and community members who have played a role in the fight for self-governance and sovereignty. Through this interactive exhibit, visitors and community narratives that shed light on the challenges and triumps of the CHamoru self-determination movement.

Ha’ånen Hila’ Nåna

Mother Tongue Day

In November 1999, UNESCO declared that February 21st would be known as International Mother Language Day and further proclaimed 2019 as the Year of Indigenous Languages. Honoring this auspicious designation, Governor Lourdes Leon Guerrero proclaimed 2019 as the Year of Indigenous Languages and February 21st as Mother Language Day through Proclamation No.2019-10 at the behest of the Kumisión. Every year thereafter, the Governor of Guam has proclaimed February 21st as Ha’ánen Hila’ Nåna. The annual proclamation is celebrated by government agencies, advocates and CHamoru language teachers and students. The Guam Legislature also recognizes the significance of this annual celebration through a Legislative Resolution.

Mes CHamoru

CHamoru Month

Mes CHamoru encourages the residents of Guam to learn about our island’s rich and vibrant history, and to pay homage to the leaders of the past who have inspired generation with their commitment to preserve, perpetuate, and celebrate the CHamoru language and culture. The legacy of our ancestors comes alive through language competitions, chants, music, dance, storytelling, cuisine, traditional crafts, and historical re-enacment. The month of March each year is designated as Mes CHamoru. The initiative began in the 1970s in the Guam public school system, evolving over the years into an island wide celebration with both government and private businesses participating. Mes CHamoru kicks off with Guam History & CHamoru Heritage Day on the first Monday in March.

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