Siñora Hope Alvarez Cristobal is a respected community leader, former senator, educator, and farmer. She is involved in many community issues through her involvement on many local boards, most notably the CHamoru Language Commission where she serves as Chairwoman, Ge’helo’.

Former Senator Cristobal earned a Masters degree in Education and a Bachelor of Arts degree with honors in Secondary Education (General Science), both from the University of Guam. She also completed Doctoral classes at the University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon. Having been an educator and administrator for over two decades,

Former Senator Cristobal has educated thousands of Guåhan’s youth on the importance of Fino’ CHamoru and Guam History. She brings many years of advocacy for CHamoru issues in a wide range of venues, both local, national and international.

During her time in the 23rd Guam Legislature, she was a forceful activist who advocated for indigenous rights by creating the Commission on Decolonization, the CHamoru registry, and the CHamoru Land Trust Act with the late Senator Angel Santos.

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