Kumisión i Fino’ CHamoru yan i Fina’nå’guen
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CHamoru is one of Guåhan’s two official languages. ‬As such‭, ‬it needs to be‭ ‬recognized and utilized as an equal medium of communication in the public sector‭. ‬The tedious but important work of translating written English into CHamoru text in alignment with our orthography is a key component of‭ ‬building CHamoru literacy‭. ‬The Kumisión provides translations to the Governor’s Office and the Guam Legislature when needed. ‬Numerous other requests for‭ ‬assistance from both public and private entities and individuals are received daily‭. ‬While we are not able to provide translations for all requests‭, ‬the Kumisión’s Fino’ Committee does engage regularly in providing assistance or referring interested parties to a list of Board vetted CHamoru translators‭. The Kumisión offers a Seal of Affirmation to written translations that are in alignment with the Guåhan’s Official CHamoru Orthography.

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