Kumisión i Fino’ CHamoru yan i Fina’nå’guen
i Historia yan i Lina’la’ i Taotao Tåno’
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Kumisión i Fino’ CHamoru yan i Fina’nå’guen
i Historia yan i Lina’la’ i Taotao Tåno’
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Materiǻt Ineyak Siha
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Annual Reports

Utugrafihan CHamoru‭, ‬Guåhan

Guåhan CHamoru Orthography

Utugrafihan CHamoru‭, ‬Guåhan

Guåhan CHamoru Orthography

Standardizing the spelling and writing of CHamoru is essential for building‭ ‬proficiency and fluency; and, for teaching CHamoru as a second language in the classroom. ‬The Kumisión updated the 1983 CHamoru Orthography and presented their work in booklet form in 2020. ‬The release of our 2024‭ ‬version of a user-friendly update of the‭ ‬Utugrafihan‭ CHamoru‭, ‬Guåhan‭ ‬is timely as growing numbers of those interested in reading and writing in CHamoru are clamoring for both print ‬and digital resources and guidance. ‬These include CHamoru teachers and learners in Guåhan, as well as throughout the diaspora‭.

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